
This was so before Roy

I wonder when you officially lose out to your inner demons. Do they stop by with their trophy and thank you for your soul? I thought I had whipped some serious ass on that front. Today it became apparent that something had returned, and it was worse than before. And now it's time to introduce my favorite form of expression: the bad analogy. When I was a young little thing I kind of thought of this inner demon as a tiger, always stalking me. It’s as if it always had its sights on me and would eventually get the better of me, be my bitter end. Well long story short (why I bother with the short of it is beyond me, no one is reading this) I grew up a bit and decided that shit like that can't own me. As I see it, all you can do is learn from shit and move on. There is no point in letting the past fuck with you. But I digress, back to the bad analogies. So it's come to pass that after feeling pretty good with the whole situation, some stupid jackass has gone and fucked all my hard work and years of emotional disorientation up. Why it was a problem for him is beyond me, but why should I have to feel bad about it? So fuck that fucking shit. And fuck him, he didn't go through it, so don't go and make me feel like shit about it. I own it and I'm having tiger for dinner. Sorry Roy.



At 12:03 AM, Blogger D said...

Silly friGG, Roy isn't the tiger. But if Roy was a tiger, you think he'd have tiger sex with the one who ate his face? And thanks for the nine iron to the knee support AP. I hate you guys so much, so very, very much.


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