
Coming soon to a blog near you!

I will regale you all with a story so profound and unbelievable, you will piss yourselves with the absurdity of it all... and understand why I refuse to take part of the sick exchange we Americans call dating.


At 4:28 AM, Blogger Justin said...

I await the story. The one I'd like to hear more about is your aversion to dating. It confounds and intrigues me. How does one achieve the desired result of dating without passing through the nexus of dating? Moreover, without dating is there any just cause for pursuing said desired result, being of course the trials and joys of love? Unless of course you have evolved into some nature of being that survives only on corporeal subsistance, i.e. food, water and shelter, having shed the need or desire for emotional fulfillment. I would be most interested in furthering a study on your case, scientific journals world-wide could benefit from the knowledge my research could yield, as would countless future generations. In closing, allow me to thank you for you attention and consideration in this matter, and I assure you I anticipate continued correspondence with baited breath and quickness of heart.


Dr. J. Koeppen, Certified Loveologist.

At 8:00 AM, Blogger D said...

It is rather simple my friend, you avoid the whole thing alltogether. No dating, no skipping the dating, none of it. Emotional needs? Pshaw, I'm a big girl. And a big girl buys a big puppy to fill that void. See previous posts for nausiatingly cute picture.

At 4:34 AM, Blogger Andy said...

um ya so how bout them uh yeah i got nothing. YOU DAMN VAMPIRES JUST TAKE AND TAKE AND TAKE! i just wanna live my life damn it i am not to be put on display damn it!

gotta love how i pay no attention to the topic at hand.

At 3:40 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think the most facinating thing about it is the fear that it can be done. Well, at least by you. The IDEA of lack of dating? Plausable. I mean, c'mon... it's dating. But the thought of you doing it is what brings fear into the shorts of man. Because when you set out to do something, you DO it.
...like, realy well.
...sometimes frighteningly well. and over the top.

And having witnessed such determination... >Shudder<
When you get a wild hair up there, you get right to it, and you stick to it. (and then get out of controll and do way more than you need to, and usually find some way of endangering yourself...)

"They only call it drama to ignore the truth."

At 3:42 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

...just don't hurt yourself.

Take care.

At 12:18 PM, Blogger Justin said...

I wasn't me.

At 1:11 PM, Blogger Andy said...

nor me

At 8:43 PM, Blogger D said...

Has to be someone who takes a completely lighthearted comment and turns it into life or death.....who could that be? I said that sarcastically by the way. Why the hell can't I swear off dating for a while? The puppy fills the emotional void! Plus, gotta make sure I didn't turn crazy.

At 12:20 PM, Blogger Justin said...

If puppies fill your emotional void, what fills your physical...void, wow, that innuendo built itself! Anyway, don't say puppies or I'm calling the cops.

At 1:42 AM, Blogger Andy said...

are we still on this post? wow ic coming soon really means taken my sweet ass time. how will i make it another day with out knowing HOW I ASK HOW!? and justin you saying other animals are cool? just not dogs? what the heck don't you think the dogs will feel left out. you can't just pick on group of things and say they are not as good as the rest. what brings on this kind of dog hate huh?

ok very finished

At 11:47 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

D, dear... seriously. You and I need to be doing somthing other than bloging or IMing. You and I are not capable of handling it. its like we absoulutly NEED tone of voice or a sound track, otherwise we both think the worst.

why do we(and it seems to be both of us, I guess) assume the worst? are we really that defencive or aprehensive concerning each other anymore? you and I should be able to fix or figure this out, you'd think
SHIT!!! IKNOW!!!! we're not using emoticons!!! ;D see?!! now THAT'S better!!

At 12:16 AM, Blogger D said...

Jefe, its defensive, common. No I'm not defensive or apprehensive concerning you. I'm a grown up now (stomps feet on the floor), not the minor child you had a thing for ;) Don't get too defensive about that. Did the emoticon help?

At 12:28 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

could we keep the whole "minor thing" out? i know we have a past, but when that past took place could still be bad for me :P
yes the smiley stuff is better/we should use, defnately/// and... I know I cant spell... im right brained. kant spel for fuk.
and actually, it's not the d I knew that I want to talk to... I want to get to know the woman today. (as long as she still watches cartoons)


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