
This one goes out to the ladies...

Let me just say I hate girls. I hate them almost as much as I hate stupid asshats going 10 miles below the speed limit in the passing lane and I hate them way more than stupid poser bands like Linkin Park and Creed (thank you sweet Jesus for ending that fucking cess pool of noise). And I hate those guys a lot. But girls really take the cake. You must be wondering, ‘But D, aren’t you a girl? Or are you a skinny guy with bitch tits and the prettiest damn face I’ve ever seen?’ Well yes I am a girl, and I hate my own kind. And I am the prettiest thing you’ll ever see, if you happen to see me. But most girls annoy the living shit out of me. I just don’t get them. On the occasion where I do something totally chick-like, I annoy and confuse myself. Get over yourself ladies, guys only put up with your prissy bullshit so they can put it in you. They don’t give a shit how long or how much you spend making yourself look better to attract them; they couldn’t give less of a shit about your drama and whining. You wonder why you can’t find a guy? Try acting like a normal fucking human being. No one will ever notice your extra effort so why don’t you spend all that time you waste adding layers of makeup and try to find a personality. You skanky ass whores. You all look and act the fucking same. Unless you are going to throw some punches and rip each other’s clothes off, enough with the catfights and talking behind each other’s backs. I am so ashamed to be associated with woman kind sometimes. I’m not saying become a fucking hippie, don’t get me wrong. I hate hippies too. What’s the deal with those feminazi chicks who are like, “I don’t shave my legs or wear makeup, I’m so empowered?” Last time I checked, there is nothing empowering about giving yourself rug burn when you walk. Make use of that bic and use it to slit your wrists. How about we all stop overanalyzing things and give up trying to impress others. Hey, shirts that cover more than your nipples are cheaper, you could use that money to buy a book and maybe develop a well thought out opinion.



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