just a titter

I just wanted to say I had an awesome winter break. School is back on, and looking back I'm very pleased with everything. I made some new buddies, drank a few new drinks (I love red-headed sluts. Its so perfect since you are what you drink). My plan for the new year is work exellently. I'm getting over the pnuemonia (slowly but surely), I love my classes, I'm finally getting my computer back after 2 years (it may not work for shit at this point, but damnit its mine) and I am fianlly free and clear of the people in my life who have been throwing bad energy my way. Whoo Fucking Hoo! Thanks to all you guys who made my break one of the best I've ever had, and to all my wonderful friends and loved ones who are making this a wonderful new year. And lets pray that Jordan and Cassandra never put thier videos on the internet. I love you guys.
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