Good and Evil matched perfect, it's a great romance...

my hands are sweaty
i totally read that really fast
and hands just automatically became balls
I love my hetero life-mate. I have a cold, so instead of feeling hate for all, I feel mild annoyance and a few warm fuzzies. I tried to call in sick to work today, only to fail miserably. All but one person had called in sick, so I had to choose between completly fucking my coworker (who is incredibly cool and awesome) or hauling my stuffy ass in. I'm becoming such a softie.
Here is something I'm super annoyed about. Went down to Old Town Pizza last tuesday to see the Acoustic Songwriter's Showcase. They weren't doing it anymore, but the ad hadn't been pulled from WW yet. The pizza was great and we had a good time, but I felt just a little bit like an ass.
And HELLO can we all just calm down a bit? We live in Portland Fucking Oregon and everyone just freaks out when it starts raining. By the look of traffic you'd think it was a blizzard in San Diego. Everyone thinks they need to knock it into second gear or go twice as fast. So I spend all morning trapped between semi's on the fuck-freeway. Hey assholes, lets try driving at a normal speed with a little extra caution. Sound like a good idea? Chicken fuckers.
Awww you so sweet! Quit trying to make me stay home from work. I'll kick Satan in his non-balls I swear. I love futurama!
I'll go in late and leave early. Not like I want to do school work right meow anyways. And I really need to not flunk that quiz tomrorow. Walgreens rocks my world! Meow!
Oooh private road construction...We gotta check that one out guys! I'm gonna do it right meow, I could really use a private road to my apartment, the road we have just isn't private enough. In the imoortal words of Sarah, "What a TARDY!"
Wow Kristin, you are getting some private road construction offers up in here. Steamy. You might need a rash gaurd for all the private road construction going on. Actually, if you get a rash from the private road construction, you should swing by work and talk to my pharmacist...
Now you are getting a little too kinky with the private road construction. We need to take it down a notch.
dawna stole my flower in rockin camrao
The camaro did rock, and you stole my flower. Andy, protect the nipple. I am the happiest girl on the planet, though a little lost.
Well, is there something a little weird going on here? I don't know about you D, but my blog gets pretty cluttered with spammy comments from people. My advice to you as one blog owner to another, is to be patient and focus on the great things about having a blog, instead of all the junk that goes on. You do have a quality blog and appears that you enjoy it. My favorite web project so far is a spf rash guards site, because I have total control and it makes me a couple dollars here and there. It's pretty hard to find new information on spf rash guards stuff though. Hey, keep up your excellent job D, and good luck with your projects..
See ya ~
D, what are we going to do...? I'm not sure about you but it's getting harder and harder to enjoy my blog because of all the spam it's getting attacked with. You may be having a similar problem... I enjoy my normal site about rashguards because it doesn't get cluttered with shallow comments, but when I'm visiting other blogs and places on the web looking for rashguards stuff it seems to be everywhere.
Well I'm not sure if you have any good tips, but good luck with your website goals. I wish you the best.
Hi D,
I have to say that your blog hits the spot!
I was out looking for information on rashguards but found your post: Good and Evil matched perfect, it's a great romance... to be far more interesting than what I was looking for. Quite a good job you're doing on your site here... I'm thinking about making a blog about rashguards I want to make it look like yours here. If you have any tips or secrets maybe you could share :)
It was great to visit your blog, thanks.
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