Some thoughts from class tonight

MATURE LOVE - Involves intellect, emotion and activity. Includes active concern for each other’s emotional, physical and material needs. You must also like that person, their interests and mannerisms. It may be perceived as a responsibility, but not as a burden.
Authentic Acts of Love – you can say the “L” word all you want, the actions that show love are the only true way of validating love’s existence.
“Nobody broke your heart; you broke your own because you can’t finish what you start”
We feel in the now. Falling in love is one of the most amazing and rewarding experiences in life, and we only get to do it a few times. When it comes to separating infatuation from true lasting love, you have to accept the fact that the head-over-heels, occupy every moment of your thoughts with unadulterated bliss will fade. It should fade. The love and commitment to this person you’ve given yourself to remains. The danger lies in giving too much of yourself in the infatuation stage. We know all too well how excruciating it is to be crushed and broken and bitter when the flame settles down. To survive it, you have to separate yourself from the fantasy. Everything is perfect at first. True love, strong love means everything doesn’t have to be perfect all the time. The imperfection is what makes it so rewarding and meaningful. If I was with someone and everything was superlative, fuck yes I’d stick around. But doesn’t mean more if you can stand by someone through the shitstorm that is life, if you can be 100% behind someone and work through your problems? Everything means more when you’ve fought for it. And love is the toughest fight of all. I’m not saying be suspicious and pessimistic when falling. Enjoy it, it is a fleeting feeling. We will have fallen many times in the course of our lives, but it won’t be so often that it will last. Let’s not look to a few years but to a few decades. We don’t have much more then those few decades. Don’t waste it on a few years.

that was... so beautiful. >sniffle<
hey how come no writty-writty for 3month? you THAT busy?
it was awesome hu? i've been busy, ill and hopelessly having a bad month. how is you? its february so the bad month is over.
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