

I would never measure a person's success in materialistic terms. The measure of one's successfulness lies in neither past nor present. It has nothing to do with how important you are, or how perfect you are. Success lies in the past, it lies in today, and the rest of your life. People tend to look at it in a retrospective manner, thats a sliver out of a redwood. Don't mistake my thoughts here, I of all people know the power the past can bear on the future. To me, success is the person you are making yourself. A consistent drive to better yourself and the world around you. Persuing your goals and dreams with vigor and passion screams success to me.

You make your own reputation, you make your own success. You make the world around you as beautiful as it is, as beautiful as you are.


At 6:00 PM, Blogger D said...

ooh, gimme more private road construction baby....

At 5:48 PM, Blogger Andy said...

if your lucky they might pave your drive way

At 7:22 PM, Blogger D said...

I love the response I get to serious posts. And just so y'all know, I'm and angry young woman. I feel a rant coming on...

At 8:04 PM, Blogger Justin said...

You gotta love that spam. You know you can make it stop. I did. Just check out my site related to spam. You can also exchange FREE ads on any topic, like spam!

Spam! spam! spam! spam! spam!

Also, spam!

At 1:31 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

dam kiddo if i knew you where deep like that i would of never dumped you

At 11:25 PM, Blogger D said...

It was so a mutual dumping jackass. And it just feels deep to you.

At 2:14 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

whatever kiddo i drove you to dumpsville and droped you off i was the dumper and you where the one that got dumped

At 12:37 AM, Blogger D said...

It was a clashing of heads buddy, I was so plotting your own dumping. I will give you kudos for beating me to it. You won because I had the class to do it in person, whereas you did it over the internet.


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