I cannot sleep. So I shall spill all the thoughts in my head that are keeping me up. In a much watered down version so no one actually knows what I’m talking about. A little self loathing mixed with self pity mixed with other-people loathing and wrapped up with a nice ‘this is how it is so I better fix what I can and get the fuck over the rest.’
January was the shitty month. Its end was supposed to signify then end of shittiness in my world. February was the fresh start, back to my wonderful life. I love my life. I fucking rock. Like bahgawk. But this did not go as planned. February has sucked some ass. So apparently I cannot signal the end of shit with a date, I just need to quit being a whining fucking pussy and get over it. I’m so losing my train of thought and not into this anymore. I’m done bitching.
So anyways, I had an ok weekend. I worked the Lombard store for a while and it was awesome. They don’t put up with any shit over there, its such a nice change. Then I go back to my store and its back to the same old crap. I love it but shit, we take entirely too much crap. I got smashed last night and stayed up til it was 7:30 in the morning. Then I got up today and got drunk watching the game with some friends. It was great. I love those guys. I have a game for you guys, post your answers in the comments. Guess what I discovered we sell in the pharmacy this week? Past discoveries include but are not limited to; bladder infection test kits, menopause test kits, generic lubricant, infertility test kits (for men). And a hint, this is not a kit, rather it is a umm…how do I put this. Fuck you just guess. It’s a thing.
This was kind of a lame post. Sorry guys. I had a shitload to say and I just got bored and didn’t finish.
you found the funnel thing for shooting supositories up yer bum, now gimmie my prize.
you know what? hell with that I don't want no damned prize. I am now officially boycotting your prize because you wont write me.
(Thumbing nose)>thpbt<
-Colonel Ruhbarb
i wrote you like 45 minutes ago jackass.and it aint the funnel. close though. it is tubular.
Funnel or not you have to unwrap them. That is pretty much manditory.
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