So, it’s another one of those lame ass nights when I haven’t slept in days and I get into bed ready to fall off into sleep so hard I fracture my skull and go to the hospital in my dreams. I get into bed and nothing happens. I’m not tired again. I toss and turn and my stupid brain won’t shut the mother fuck up.
I heard the most damning statement of my life tonight. It honestly stressed me out so much I don’t think I will be able to blow off my schoolwork for at least a week. Or eat or breathe. A pharmacist said to me when we were discussing me applying to pharmacy schools this fall, “the competion is so stiff, if you have what it takes to get into pharmacy school you can get into med school.” I don’t want to be able to get into med school. And I don’t want the competition to be that tight. Ugh. Why can’t there just be more pharmacy schools? There is a serious shortage of pharmacists and a huge supply of applicants! I’m so stressed out about school right now, I could just hurl.
In other news, I am moving at the end of May and I’m really excited! I wanted to go back to dad’s cos I miss him a lot and his daddy wisdom. And Nick and Dave need me, lets me honest. They are getting so big. But he lives too far from work and I live for Walgreen’s Pharmacy. So I’m moving in with the Meisners! Teresa asked me to move in with them which is super cool of her since she’s been like a mom to me ever since my own ran off (plus she always thought my real mom was psycho, good call Teresa ). I like the idea of a family, plus I get to see my niece Daisy just about ALL THE TIME! Cutest baby ever; I’m in love with her. Plus it satisfies my daily baby intake and shuts that biological clock up. Fucker has been ticking. I feel so ready to get on with life, and its just inching by. I want my PharmD, I want my kids, I want my dog, I want my house. Let’s fucking go. Balls.
Eh... not much up w/ me. Working hard.
teaching and trying to get the website looking pretty.
so, where ARE you moving?
I'd email you, but... well you dont answer those. :P
Jefe, here is the dealy-o. I'm moving out to the kind of country for a while til I figure school stuff out and let the docs do some shit to me. Good times. I'll be in Troutdale.
KK. You Have to actually start blogging so I can terrorize it. I'll get to my homework now so we can terrorize that Jager in the freezer. *Mwah*
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