
Jesus spit in my food

There is no evil rant tonight. Sorry to dissapoint Andonesia, I know how much you wanted to bust out the nine iron. I'm just fucking tired tonight. Unless you wanna talk about how much Windows sucks because you have to register it but if you put a new hard drive in, what the fuck are you supposed to do? I'm so not buying another copy of that shitty ass fucking piece of shit OS. Oh yeah, and who the fuck thinks I'm actually going to pay $115 for a paperback book? I'll fucking drop that that class like an aborted fetus in the toilet. Oh, well, I guess there was a little evil. Just a pinch. I took a class because the teacher is hot, but that’s not evil, just smart. Or not since it is no fun to look and not touch. Sorry to bore you guys tonight. If it makes all my treasured minions feel special (as you know all of you are), I hate you all so much, so very very much. For you I hope the gates of hell open up and you are eaten by the zombies of Nixon and Gary Busey. He's not dead yet? Yeah fucking right...



This was so before Roy

I wonder when you officially lose out to your inner demons. Do they stop by with their trophy and thank you for your soul? I thought I had whipped some serious ass on that front. Today it became apparent that something had returned, and it was worse than before. And now it's time to introduce my favorite form of expression: the bad analogy. When I was a young little thing I kind of thought of this inner demon as a tiger, always stalking me. It’s as if it always had its sights on me and would eventually get the better of me, be my bitter end. Well long story short (why I bother with the short of it is beyond me, no one is reading this) I grew up a bit and decided that shit like that can't own me. As I see it, all you can do is learn from shit and move on. There is no point in letting the past fuck with you. But I digress, back to the bad analogies. So it's come to pass that after feeling pretty good with the whole situation, some stupid jackass has gone and fucked all my hard work and years of emotional disorientation up. Why it was a problem for him is beyond me, but why should I have to feel bad about it? So fuck that fucking shit. And fuck him, he didn't go through it, so don't go and make me feel like shit about it. I own it and I'm having tiger for dinner. Sorry Roy.



Is it an eating disorder if you only do it to lose weight?

I hate you girls. I hate you all with your up-todate clothes and manicured nails and stupid fourty-two dollar tee shirts. I hope you are poisoned by your baby seal fat lipsticks and your hair gets overbleached and falls out. Go apply cream to your latest VD and watch the fucking OC. What the hell is that show anyways? Ovary Central? Overdramtic Cunts? Go to a fucking party and get slipped a roofie cos I know you like it. Any good excuse to get laid, right? Burn in your crotch.