There's always room for j-e-l-l-o
Coming soon to a blog near you!
I will regale you all with a story so profound and unbelievable, you will piss yourselves with the absurdity of it all... and understand why I refuse to take part of the sick exchange we Americans call dating.
I have needs too!
You know guys, you are so demanding of me. Do you expect me to be so full of hate all the time? What if I became a sweet innocent young lady, no cursing, no hatred (I believe in equality, equal hatred for all mankind!) and no scathing commentaries spewing fourth from my fingertips? You should learn to appreciate what I give you.
I’d like to welcome all our new readers to the circle of hate, both of them. Don’t be shy about adding your own bits of hatred; we’ll ridicule you just like everyone else.
And can we sign the fucking guestbook? I mean common. It’s right here. You don’t want to make me look like a loser in front of my friends do you (shut up Andy)?