you guys suck balls
There's always room for j-e-l-l-o
Oh my word! Its all too much to take.

1) The Decemberists - Clementine
2) Helio Sequence - Satellite
3) The Thermals - Ballad of Big Nothing
4) Crosstide - Angeles
5) Amelia - Between the Bars
6) Dolorean - The Biggest Lie
7) Sexton Blake - Rose Parade
8) Swords - I Didn¹t Understand
9) Sean Croghan - High Times (previously unreleased track)
10) Lifesavas - Happiness
11) Jeff Trott - Wouldn¹t Mama Be Proud
12) Society of People of Ambiance and Elegance - Speed Trials
13) To Live and Die in LA - Kings Crossing
14) We Are Telephone - Division Days
15) Eric Matthews - Needle in the Hay
And last but not least, Juliana Theory, Jamison Parkerm June and The Fury are at the Hawthorne the 27th. And I get the fucking day off. Boo-fuckin-ya. Heatmiser has been making me cry too.
I would never measure a person's success in materialistic terms. The measure of one's successfulness lies in neither past nor present. It has nothing to do with how important you are, or how perfect you are. Success lies in the past, it lies in today, and the rest of your life. People tend to look at it in a retrospective manner, thats a sliver out of a redwood. Don't mistake my thoughts here, I of all people know the power the past can bear on the future. To me, success is the person you are making yourself. A consistent drive to better yourself and the world around you. Persuing your goals and dreams with vigor and passion screams success to me.
You make your own reputation, you make your own success. You make the world around you as beautiful as it is, as beautiful as you are.
I have low grade narcolepsy

So I'm in class today, taking notes. I made a side note on something and dozed off in the middle of writing the sentence. If you know Miss D, you know this is not uncommon. I'm narcoleptic and insomniatic at the worst times; my body knows what I don't need and does it. but I digress. So I fall asleep in the middle of this sentence, and after a bit I wake up and go about my notes. My lab partner points to my little note and asks, "he never said that, what the fuck." So after I fell asleep but was still writing, I wrote SEX at the end of my sentence. Yadda yadda yadda SEX. Guess we know what I was thinking about.
Good and Evil matched perfect, it's a great romance...

my hands are sweaty
i totally read that really fast
and hands just automatically became balls
I love my hetero life-mate. I have a cold, so instead of feeling hate for all, I feel mild annoyance and a few warm fuzzies. I tried to call in sick to work today, only to fail miserably. All but one person had called in sick, so I had to choose between completly fucking my coworker (who is incredibly cool and awesome) or hauling my stuffy ass in. I'm becoming such a softie.
Here is something I'm super annoyed about. Went down to Old Town Pizza last tuesday to see the Acoustic Songwriter's Showcase. They weren't doing it anymore, but the ad hadn't been pulled from WW yet. The pizza was great and we had a good time, but I felt just a little bit like an ass.
And HELLO can we all just calm down a bit? We live in Portland Fucking Oregon and everyone just freaks out when it starts raining. By the look of traffic you'd think it was a blizzard in San Diego. Everyone thinks they need to knock it into second gear or go twice as fast. So I spend all morning trapped between semi's on the fuck-freeway. Hey assholes, lets try driving at a normal speed with a little extra caution. Sound like a good idea? Chicken fuckers.